Va doresc tuturor un an nou deosebit, iar eu m-as multumi si daca ar fi macar ca 2012 pentru ca am avut parte de niste lucruri absoulut deosebite si speciale!
Va multumesc celor care imi vizitati blogul aproape zilnic si m-ati motivat sa continui si le multumesc tuturor celor care m-au ajutat in realizarea materialelor pentru blog, in special Klaudiei si surorii mele!
Va propun o tinuta pentru cei care petrec aceasta noapte in aer liber, in pietele oraselor!
Va doresc petrecere frumoasa in noaptea dintre ani in tinute absolut minunate!
La multi ani!
I was wearing Zara dress, Mango sweater, vintage fur collar, custom made booties, Roberta Gandolfi bag, Meli Melo hat and gloves, H&M tights!

English summary:
I wish to thank you all who stood by me these past five months and encourage me to keep up with my blog!
Although I have always been into fashion, I never knew blogging was a passion of mine, and this is what I am thanking you for, discover a new passion of mine!
I have to thank all who helped me accomplished all these photo-shoots, especially Klaudia the photographer and my sister!
This is an outfit that you can wear to an outdoor party!
I wish you all to have a great New Year's Eve party, and a lot of stylish outfits next year!
Happy New Year!