The Street: What to wear - Cocktail party!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What to wear - Cocktail party!


    From now on, once a week, I'm going to post a "What/How To Wear" article.

     For today, I had prepared a "What to wear" on a cocktail party, post. So, thinking of spring, of outdoor gardens, I came up with three outfits for the perfect outdoor cocktail party.
   Depending on the dressing code, on your preferences, location and occasion, please chose your favorite outfit!  

1. Dress: Hervé Léger Rainbow Strapless Bandage Dress - 1 750 Euro
2. Shoes: Barneys New York CO-OP Criss-Cross Ankle Strap Sandal - 450 $
3. Clutch: Leather clutch - 98 $
4. Necklace and earrings - 45 $

1. Dress: Matthew Williamson - 1000 Euros
2. Shoes: Christian Louboutin - 650 $
3. Clutch: 30 $
4. Hat: Jacques Vert - 183 $
5. Earrings: Blue Nile Premier Diamonds Stud Earrings in Platinum - 650 $

1. Dress: 30 $
2. ShoesValentino Studded Python Leather Pumps - 1 230 $
3. Clutch: Bottega Veneta - 2 450 $
4. Watch: 25 $
5. Bracelet: Iosselliani - 446 $
6. Ring: White and Black Diamond Ring - 996 $
7. Earrings: 65 $


    De astazi inainte imi propun ca in fiecare saptamana sa postez un articol "What/Haw To Wear" diferite articole pentru diferite evenimente.

    Astazi am inceput cu trei propuneri pentru o petrecere de cocktail in aer liber (aceste petreceri sunt de altfel si preferatele mele). Decorul mi l-am imaginat ca fiind o gradina in aer limer, la sfarsitul lunii aprilie, inceputul lunii mai.

    In functie de codul vestimentar impus, ocazia si preferintele dumneavoastra, va las sa alegeti tinuta voastra preferata si sa-mi dati si mie de stire ce propunere va place mai mult! 

   Va doresc o duminica dupa-amiaza placuta! 


  1. foarte buna initiativa ta, colajele au iesit superb! Daca ar fi sa aleg o tinuta as alege-o pe ultima, cea cu LBD, dar imi place enorm si rochita blue, din al doilea colaj

  2. love the first one! xoxo

  3. Categoric Hervé Léger Rainbow Strapless Bandage Dress. Desi nu sunt cea mai colorata persoana in ceea ce priveste vestimentatia, rochia aceea e senzationala...sper sa nu uit de ea pana la cununia civila :))


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