Unfortunately is been a while since I felt good about anything, and this brought to my attention that you don't need to settle in life with anything less that what you really want. Life can be great for you, not just in books and movies (so, Miha, don't you ever forget this) you just have to never stop hopping and fighting for what you want.
Now that things started to get going for me I have started to wish for more and hoping again that after all I can have a happy life, I just have to find some stability, especially from people around me and, support.
I think that it would be a great start if I'd have some curtains, literally some window curtains :), because nothing makes more of a house a home than some curtains and some soft music from the 50's.
I was wearing Zara pants and t-shirt, Musette bag and Steve Madden sandals!
[RO] Odata cu toamna a venit si dorinta unei stabilitati si al unui echilibru in viata mea. Nu stiu de ce mi se tot reproseaza ca nu ma multumeste nimic si ca intotdeauna voi avea obiectii. Din cateva puncte de vedere nu m-am apropiat niciodata de ce am vrut cu adevarat si nu mi se pare normal sa ma resemnez si sa ma multumesc cu altceva. Ce pot sa fac este macar sa sper ca odata ma voi apropia de ceea ce mi-am dorit intotdeauna si nu am avut niciodata... pana la urma acesta este motorul nostru in viata, sa tindem sa obtinem ce ne dorim, sa ne indeplinim visele.
Daca as stii de la inceput ca ceea ce imi doresc si sper sa obtin intr-un final nu voi avea niciodata, ce sens mai are sa ma trezesc in fiecare zi si sa ma dau jos din pat daca stiu ca ca mai mult decat am astazi nu voi avea niciodata.
Eu sunt genul de persoana care toata viata a visat si si-a dorit tot timpul mai mult decat a avut, desi am fost intotdeauna recunoscatoare pentru ce am primit.
It's nice to see that your posts are so full of optimism and joy :) I think mine will become more nostalgic because of autumn.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy every minute of your happy moments!
I totally agree with you Smara, I'm a dreamer, not a fighter as I can see.... I wish more, but I'm not sure what. I will keep searching in myself for what I want, and after that, I'll start working to make it real. I love your new mood!:)I know, we should never stop fighting for what we want to be/have.
ReplyDeleteBTW you look sexy,gorgeous...I really like the outfit, you and the attitude!:)
ReplyDeleteImi place cromatica aleasa, foarte "in ton" cu toamna!
ReplyDeleteGeanta este TO DIE FOR!
I'm loving the heels! xoxo
ce faina e combinatia! perfecta pentru toamna
ReplyDeleteCeea ce spui tu nu e anormal, asta e esenţa umană, să-şi dorească întotdeauna mai mult, ia la noi femeile este şi mai pregnantă această dorinţă.
ReplyDeleteMă identific cu spusele tale 100%.
P.S. Îmi place că emani sex-appeal. Parcă eşti model de-o viaţă.
super frumoasa tinuta...sandalele sunt bestiale !!!