The Street: Industrial look

Monday, May 20, 2013

Industrial look

[EN]  How was your weekend? Mine was great. I spent a lot of time with my family (we decided to take long walks, no car this weekend ). So imagine the time spent from home to the park or downtown... nothing else to do than chatting with my husband and fooling around with my baby girl.

    On the other hand there was the time spent with my girlfriend.  She is so sweet and disturbed in a very cute way. Sometimes she is adorable but sometimes she is so harsh with herself and then shes not so sweet anymore. 

Thank you KK Pgotography for this wonderful photo session!

I was wearing Glow T-shirt dress, Mango socks, Musette bag, Stradivarius jacket and boots from a local boutique!

[RO]  Cum a fost weekend-ul vostru? Al meu a fost minunat! Am petrecut foarte mult timp impreuna cu familia mea. Am decis sa renuntam weekend-ul acesta la masina si sa ne plimbam pe jos. Imaginati-va cat timp am petrecut impreuna plimbandu-ne pe jos de acasa pana in parc sau pana in centrul orasului.
    Am avut ocazia sa palavragesc mai mult cu sotul meu, sa ma prostesc cu fetita mea pe drum... Mi mi se pare ca de obicei tot timpul sunt pe fuga. Niciodata nu am timp sa ma relaxez, asa ca plimbarile acestea lungi m-au ajutat foarte mult.

   Pe partea cealalta a mai fost timpul petrcut cu prietena mea. Ea este o fata asa simpatica si deosebita, bineinteles in modul cel mai frumos posibil. Este adorabila, dar cateodata este asa dura cu ea si din pacate asta nu este o latura frumoasa a ei, nu o avantajeaza deloc.

Bineinteles  mai trebuie sa-i multumesc Klaudiei pentru minunatele fotografii! Puteti gasi mai multe dintre lucrarile ei aici!


  1. Sorry I couldn't join our regular Sunday meetings :) but it is good to know that you had a great time.

    Hope you'll have a wonderful week, too!

    1. Don't worry! Next time. Duty comes first! :)))

  2. Foarte sexy si cool fotografiile!!!Imi place mult tinuta ta,te prinde rock-ul maxim!:D


  4. Lovely photos. I love posts about spending time with family. Glad you had a lovely weekend!

    Hope you can stop by my blog soon and say hi:



  5. you look amazing! xoxo

  6. wow, foarte tare tinuta! Si machiajul e frumos si se potriveste perfect cu outfit-ul.

  7. F frumos outfitul, reusite pozele, imi plac tare mult.

  8. Imi place mult postul pentru ca totul este "o poveste" un pic grunge dar totul se potriveste: tinuta, machiajul si locatia. Foarte dragut!

    The Lovely Darlings


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