[EN] Sometimes you admire people for what you think they are, having absolutely no idea about who they are. Take for example the public figures, actors, singers, artists, famous people... They are all acting in front of you or the camera's in the end, but you could only say that you know them if you're living with them or... spying on them with a hidden camera :).
If you are an actor you have to do thing on stage that you probably won't do in your real life (like walking naked on streets), but then how can a person be so different in different circumstances .
I for example play different roles in my life, my colleagues from work will tell you one thing about me, my family will tell you another, my teachers will tell you something different and my friend will tell you much more. But in the end who are you?
I'll tell you that you are whatever you want to be, just find the strength inside you to dare something different and loose your inhibitions (but please don't louse the common sense and always be polite to others).
I was wearing H&M sweater, random jeans and custom made boots !
[RO] Cateodata se intampla da admiri omenii pentru ceea ce crezi tu ca sunt, nu pentru ceea ce sunt defapt.
Cum poti face diferenta intre rolul pe care un actor il joaca pe scena sau in viata?
Cum poti sa fii sigur ca stii ce fel de om este colegul de la serviciu sau profesorul de la catedra? Pana la urma nu jucam toti roluri in functie de circumstantele in care ne aflam sau anturajul in care ne invartim?
Eu cel putin m-as plictisi foarte tare daca nu m-as juca in fiecare zi interpretand diferite roluri in functie de persoanele cu care interactionez, situatiile care se ivesc, hainele pe care le port si locurile in care ma duc.
Si atunci, pe cat de sensibila sau inhibata pot fii (sau doar perceputa) intr-o zi pe atat de agresiva si curajoasa pot fi in alta...
Pana la urma suntem cine vrem sa fim cand vrem sa fim, altfel mi s-ar parea totul fara rost si ar fi prea plictisitor pentru cum percep eu rostul oamenilor pe Pamant.
Nu-mi place sa am oameni langa mine despre care sa pot spune "Este un om rau/invidios/mincinos/fricos/marinimos/iertator/imatur/serios/pternic...." si atat! Inteleg ca pana la urma avem trasaturi caracteristice, dar asta sa fie tot? Nu, sigur trebuie sa fie oameni complecsi, pe care ii descoperi in fiecare zi mai mult si pe care nu ajungi niciodata sa-i caracterizezi in 2,3 propozitii.
P.S. Hainutele din fotografii le gasiti de vanzare AICI!