The Street: Ma'moiselle Couture

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ma'moiselle Couture

[EN] It was a late spring day and I was wondering the streets and boutiques of Timisoara. I was passing near a window when something caught my attention... It was this beautiful mid skirt. It was the firs time that I saw that boutique. It hadn't been promoted at all, it was hidden at "the end of the world" but I found there the best clothes in the town. They weren't expensive at all and the designer was a lot of imagination and, I guess, inspiration. Thank you Paula for the deal on this skirt, I love it!

    I promised myself a long time that I'll take the time and write about it on my blog, but unfortunately I couldn't wear this skirt until last week  (due to the weather).

    You can find a lot of great stuff in her boutique, Atelier Ma'moiselle Couture. You can check it out here on Facebook  .

I was wearing Atelier Ma'moiselle Couture skirt, Zara shirt, custom made shoes and Tommy Hilfiger bag!

[RO] Eram pe undeva prin Aprilie si hoinarea fara griji strazile si boutique-urile din Timisoara. Cand, trecand pe langa o vitrina, ceva mi-a atras atentia. Era aceasta fusta minunata. Era prima data cand intram in boutique-ul acesta si mi-a parut rau ca nu aflasem de el pana atunci. Toate lucrurile erau minunate, pline de culoare, textura si fantezie. Suprapuneri interesante si materiale deosebite! Toate creatiile apartinand unei tinere minunate si deosebit de amabile care m-a facut sa ma indragostesc de hainele ei imediat.
  Pentru cele care sunteti din Timisoara va recomand sa treceti neaparat pe la magazinul ei cochet din centrul comercial Kappa, si restul puteti vedea lucrusoarele create de ea pe pagina de Facebook a atelierului: Atelier Ma'moiselle Couture .


  1. This is gorgeous! I so love it!

    Really wonderful photos too!

  2. You should move to Paris :) lovely outfit!

  3. Tres chic! xoxo

  4. Love the parisian chic vibe of the photos! In deed the skirt is great!
    Have a great week!

  5. Superba fusta Imi place tinuta, este vesela.

  6. Foarte frumoasa fusta intr-adevar, am sa cauta magazinul!

  7. Superba tinuta, culorile, totul!

  8. Îmi place ce a ieșit, îmi place că ești creativă, îmi place că pozezi frumos.


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