The Street: Summer touch

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer touch

[EN] You can almost feel the summer. There are certain afternoons when the air is hot and the Sun has that weight that   it has o summer late afternoons when it's setting down. There were a couple of days when I actually wore a summer dress and Sun hat. I know for sure that it can do better than this so I'm expecting very soon the hot summer days.

About today's outfit. I wore a dress that I have designed my self. I fell in love with the print but when I saw the dress sewn, it was better that I've imagined it. I think I am going to were it a lot this summer.

I was wearing designed by me dress, Stradivarius shorts, Steven Madden wedges, Zara hat and Mango bag.

[RO]  Aproape ca pot simti vara. Chiar am avut parte de doua zile in care dupa-amiezile erau incarcate cu un aer greu, cald si soarele afea acea greutate pe care o are la apus in serile de vara. Chiar am putut purta o rochie de vara la care am accesorizat si o palarie de soare. Stiu ca nu mai e mult si vom regreta perioada aceasta, brizele astea de aer rece.

    Despre tinuta mea. Port o rochie pe care am gandit-o eu. In momentul in care am vazut materialul m-am indragostit de imprimeu iar dupa ce am vazut-o cusuta arata mai bine decat mi-am imaginat initial. Presimt ca o sa port foarte mult rochia aceasta la vara. Voua va place?


  1. Mai cateva zile si vom incepe sa ne topim :D

  2. Super! Rochia/materialul acesta ma duce cu gandul la o rochie de la Zara P/V 2013 pe care o "vanez" de ceva timp!:P

  3. ii superba rochita asta, iar in penultima poza arata beton!

  4. Este foarte frumoasă combinația cu pantalonii scurți de jeans.
    Bluza se vede foarte bine, iar platformele completează outfitul la fix.

  5. Love you dress, veru beautiful!!!
    Great pictures!

    If you want, we can follow each other. Kisses

  6. Imi place la nebunie bluza ta, imprimeul este perfect iar forma o face atat de speciala!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  7. The top looks great


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