[EN] This used to be one of my favorite summer dresses but now it doesn't fits me any more. It is a very girly dress and the print makes me think of the 60's american housewives.
I was wearing Zara Dress, Mango bag and belt!
[RO] Aceasta a fost una din rochitele mele preferate de vara, dar din pacate mi-a ramas putin mare. Va trebui sa-mi rezerv putin timp pentru ea si sa ma gandesc sa o reinventez pentru ca desi mi se pare cam scurta si cam decoltata acum, imprimeul imi place extraordinar de mult. Ma duce cu gandul la casnicele anilor 60 din America!
[EN] I am so exhausted these days. I just want lay around doing nothing for at least three whole hours. I am tired always being on the run, never finding the time to stop and breathe. I have to take some time and think of my priorities, because this is not to way I would like for things to go on.
These pictures were taken last week. Me and my friends decided to go out for lemonade with a side of gossip :) . Well to be honest we don't really gossip, we usually talk about our life, our plans and our dreams, we don't like wasting time talking about other people. :)
I was wearing Zara shirt, Bershka shorts, Stradivarius sandals and borrowed bag!
[RO] Sunt epuizata in ultima vreme. Nu imi doresc decat sa zac pe o canapea si sa nu fac absolut nimic macar pentru 3 ore. Am obosit tot timpul sa fiu pe fuga, tot timpul sa fiu grabita. Trebuie sa stau si sa ma gandesc putin la prioritatile mele, pentru ca acesta sigur nu este modul in care eu vreau sa-mi petrec timpul de acum inainte.
Pozele acestea au fost facute saptamana trecuta. Am hotarat cu fetele sa iesim sa bem o limonada, care ne-am gandit ca ar merge bine la o barfa. Dar ca sa fiu sincera noi nu prea barfim. De obicei vorbim despre vietile noaste, despre ce planuri avem si la ce visam. Nu ne placem sa pierdem timpul vorbind despre alte persoane. :)
[RO] Ne intalnim din nou cu Ma'moiselle Couture. Ce a mai facut in ultimul timp? Nu mare lucru, doar s-a impopotonat in rochii dragute accesorizate cu cel mai larg zambet.
Cat despre mine, nu am sa va spun nimic nou, toate sunt la fel ca ieri, la fel ca intotdeauna!
Daca va place rochita aceasta aruncati un ochi pe pagina de Facebook a atelierului Ma'moiselle Couture AICI!
[EN] It is the middle of summer and the weather couldn't be more perfect than it is. The only problem with this time of year is that who has time to waste surfing the internet when you can surf the waves.
I now that many of you are in vacation enjoying yourself but some of us still need to be here in case "something happens"! :)) But seriously now, what could happen? As I told you this spring nothing happens during summer.
I was wearing Steve Madden wedges, dress from a local boutique from my home town and Benvenuti clutch!
[RO] Este mijlocul verii si vremea nu ar putea fi mai perfecta ca acum! Sigura problema cu aceasta perioada a anului e ca cine mai are timp sa navigheze pe "net" cand poti sa navighezi pe mare?
Stiu ca multi dintre voi sunt in vacanta, dar cineva trebuia sa ramana pe "pozitii" in cazul in care se intampla ceva. Dar sa fim seriosi, ce se poate intampla? Cum va spuneam asta primavara: mie nu-mi place vara pentru ca nu se intampla nimic, niciodata.
[EN] It was a hot summer afternoon when three little friends met after a long period of time. Each of them had stories to tell and one of them even something to celebrate. Another one was so bitter and angry with something but this behavior was very funny for the others because they weren't familiar with this side of this friend. Another friend, that was part of this gang, took the decision of making some changes in her life.
But the funniest thing about this encounter was that at a particular time they all had the same problem regarding the same thing. It says that happy things bring together friends but sometime what makes them angry or said does too.
Anyway, the best thing about all this is that you have friends, and even if you meet to celebrate happy things or to talk about said things you know you have people that care about you around!
This is a happy post and a just wanted to let my friend know that I appreciate the fact that they are always there and willing to help no matter what. They never said "no" to me, and I want to let them know that I am aware of that.
So... Thank you guys!
I was wearing Mango t-shirt, Zara shorts, Stradivarius sandals, handmade bag from a local boutique!
There were three little pigs that in the end helped each other to defeat the bad wolf!
(This is one of my friends, Miha! You can check out her blog here.)
Check out my other friend's blog here!
And to complete the list of friends who own a blog, check out here my other friend's blog.
Hmmm, I guess all of my friends have a blog, except one, Lavinia. So, Lavi, just want to say "Hi" and congratulate you for your achievements!
[EN] Ma'moiselle Couture is back. I love this dress. It is so playful and joyful. And it is so easy to wear. The best thing about this dress is that it makes my waste look so narrow.
I have to thank Paula for this beautiful dress and if you like her designs please visit Ma'moiselle Couture designs on Facebook HERE!
I was wearing Ma'moiselle Couture dress, Stradivarius sandals and Benvenuti clutch!
[RO] Ma'moiselle Couture s-a intors. Imi place la nebunie rochita aceasta. Este asa de jucausa si iti creaza o dispozitie extraordinara. Si este asa de usor de purtat. Dar cel mai mult imi place la rochita aceasta ca imi face o talie foarte micuta.
Trebuie sa-i multumesc Paulei pentru rochita aceasta frumoasa, iar daca si voua va plac creatiile ei si vreti sa vedeti mai multe, sau sa le cumparati, vizitati Ma'moiselle Couture pe Facebook AICI!
Pentru cele care sunteti din Timisoara, puteti vizita boutique-ul ei in Centrul Comercial Kappa!