[EN] As I enjoy my last days as a independent women (from next Sunday I will depend on everybody else who's willing to help me) I thought it would be a good idea to take the girls out to country side. So we went for a hike in the forest, a photoshoot in the middle of nowhere and another one in a hunted tower and finally for a early dinner and a coup of coffee were we talked about opportunities and friendship.
It was a very nice afternoon and probably the last for this year (it's almost like I am going to preseason) . Maybe someone will have mercy on me and will take some initiative and organize something something nice the weekends to come.
I was wearing Zara top, shorts from a local boutique, custom made ankle boots and trifted jacket!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The chills!
[EN] Today was the first time this year that I've got the chills. It was a very beautiful autumn day and even if we had a very chilly morning we end up with a beautiful warm and sunny afternoon.
On another page, this day will be marked as the day I moved to the new office in the new factory. It was very exciting, I don't know how interested are you in hearing this so this is all I am going to share about this for now.
Now I am eating some muffins I just backed and I am thinking what else should I share with you about today... maybe it will be best if I'll leave you with these pictures and I'll go to get some rest.
I was wearing Zara jeans, Burberry top, trifted cardigan, Manolo Blahnik sandals and Musette bag!
autumn outfit
Manolo Blahnik
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
People are not who they think they are
[EN] People are not always who they think they are. If you think you are a very interesting, admirable, intelligent and fashionable person think again. Don't be so arrogant, actually this arrogance is the evidence that you are nothing of the above. Just shut up, then maybe you will pass as a mysterious person and you'll raise some interest, again, maybe.
I was wearing Zara shirt, Stradivarius shorts, boots from a local boutique and borrowed bag!
I was wearing Zara shirt, Stradivarius shorts, boots from a local boutique and borrowed bag!
autumn outfit
Friday, September 13, 2013
Who's that girl?
[EN] Next week is going to be a very interesting week for me. But until then let's enjoy this sunny weekend that's ahead of us and recharge our batteries for next week.
As I told at the beginning of this week I've made some changes to my apparel. A new haircut, a new hair color and a new stile and wardrobe for this season.
About my new hair style, let me tell you that I gave everybody a hard time recognize who I am. My friend almost walked pass me when we were supposed to meet and when I walked in to the office my colleagues thought I was there for a job interview.
This weekend I'll meet with my family and I can't wait to see my mom reaction (she can criticize a lot, especially me and my appearance) . I will tell you about that next time, until then I wish you have a great weekend!
I was wearing Zara pants and top, Steve Madden sandals and vintage purse.
[RO] Saptamana ce urmeaza va fi una foarte interesanta pentru mine. Pana atunci, insa, hai sa ne bucuram de weekend-ul acesta insorit ce se anunta.
Va spuneam la inceputul saptamanii ca am facut unele modificari in ceea ce priveste parul meu. M-am hotarat sa-i schimb atat culoarea cat si tunsoarea. Trebuie sa recunosc ca inca nu m-am obisnuit cu reflexia mea din oglinda. Ce pot, in schimb, sa spun despre noul meu look este ca se potriveste foarte bine cu anotimpul. Culoarea visinie a parului si tonurile calde si pamantii ale noilor achizitii din garderoba mea merg foarte bine mana-n mana.
Urmatoarea afirmatie a se considera o mustrare scrisa: prietenele mele aproape au trecut pe langa mine fara sa ma recunoasca!
Weekend-ul acesta o sa ma intalnesc cu familia mea si sunt foarte curioasqa de ce reactive o sa aiba mama (ea intotdeauna a criticat foarte aspru schimbarile mele). O sa revin cu un feedback saptamana viitoare.
Va doresc un weekend perfect!
Monday, September 9, 2013
It's time for a change
[EN] These past few days were very busy for me but I somehow I have managed to take some time for me and do something different to my look. You'll see it soon on my blog!
Until then here is the old me again wearing the same pair of jeans with different tops. What look do you prefer better?
I was wearing Zara tops, Stradivarius jeans, Steve Madden shoes, Mango and Musette bags!
[RO] Ultima perioada a fost destul de aglomerata pentru mine, dar cu toate astea tot mi-am gasit timp pentru a face o schimbare. Ca sa fiu sincera, aceasta idee mi-a venit chiar in timp ce eram la sedinta foto la care am facut pozele de mai sus.
O sa va arat la urmatoarea postare schimbarea despre care este vorba, pana atunci, insa, va rog sa-mi spuneti care dintre cele doua outfit-uri de mai sus preferati?
Until then here is the old me again wearing the same pair of jeans with different tops. What look do you prefer better?
I was wearing Zara tops, Stradivarius jeans, Steve Madden shoes, Mango and Musette bags!
[RO] Ultima perioada a fost destul de aglomerata pentru mine, dar cu toate astea tot mi-am gasit timp pentru a face o schimbare. Ca sa fiu sincera, aceasta idee mi-a venit chiar in timp ce eram la sedinta foto la care am facut pozele de mai sus.
O sa va arat la urmatoarea postare schimbarea despre care este vorba, pana atunci, insa, va rog sa-mi spuneti care dintre cele doua outfit-uri de mai sus preferati?
autumn outfit
Steve Madden
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
It's beginning to feel a lot like autumn!
[EN] Something is happening and I can't say what. I am sick and tired of everything that's old in my life, like my old routine for an example. I have such a great time at my new job and time is flying away, I even found my self wishing to take some over time, just to be away from everything else and doing what I enjoy most.
Unfortunately is been a while since I felt good about anything, and this brought to my attention that you don't need to settle in life with anything less that what you really want. Life can be great for you, not just in books and movies (so, Miha, don't you ever forget this) you just have to never stop hopping and fighting for what you want.
Now that things started to get going for me I have started to wish for more and hoping again that after all I can have a happy life, I just have to find some stability, especially from people around me and, support.
I think that it would be a great start if I'd have some curtains, literally some window curtains :), because nothing makes more of a house a home than some curtains and some soft music from the 50's.
I was wearing Zara pants and t-shirt, Musette bag and Steve Madden sandals!
[RO] Odata cu toamna a venit si dorinta unei stabilitati si al unui echilibru in viata mea. Nu stiu de ce mi se tot reproseaza ca nu ma multumeste nimic si ca intotdeauna voi avea obiectii. Din cateva puncte de vedere nu m-am apropiat niciodata de ce am vrut cu adevarat si nu mi se pare normal sa ma resemnez si sa ma multumesc cu altceva. Ce pot sa fac este macar sa sper ca odata ma voi apropia de ceea ce mi-am dorit intotdeauna si nu am avut niciodata... pana la urma acesta este motorul nostru in viata, sa tindem sa obtinem ce ne dorim, sa ne indeplinim visele.
Daca as stii de la inceput ca ceea ce imi doresc si sper sa obtin intr-un final nu voi avea niciodata, ce sens mai are sa ma trezesc in fiecare zi si sa ma dau jos din pat daca stiu ca ca mai mult decat am astazi nu voi avea niciodata.
Eu sunt genul de persoana care toata viata a visat si si-a dorit tot timpul mai mult decat a avut, desi am fost intotdeauna recunoscatoare pentru ce am primit.
Unfortunately is been a while since I felt good about anything, and this brought to my attention that you don't need to settle in life with anything less that what you really want. Life can be great for you, not just in books and movies (so, Miha, don't you ever forget this) you just have to never stop hopping and fighting for what you want.
Now that things started to get going for me I have started to wish for more and hoping again that after all I can have a happy life, I just have to find some stability, especially from people around me and, support.
I think that it would be a great start if I'd have some curtains, literally some window curtains :), because nothing makes more of a house a home than some curtains and some soft music from the 50's.
I was wearing Zara pants and t-shirt, Musette bag and Steve Madden sandals!
[RO] Odata cu toamna a venit si dorinta unei stabilitati si al unui echilibru in viata mea. Nu stiu de ce mi se tot reproseaza ca nu ma multumeste nimic si ca intotdeauna voi avea obiectii. Din cateva puncte de vedere nu m-am apropiat niciodata de ce am vrut cu adevarat si nu mi se pare normal sa ma resemnez si sa ma multumesc cu altceva. Ce pot sa fac este macar sa sper ca odata ma voi apropia de ceea ce mi-am dorit intotdeauna si nu am avut niciodata... pana la urma acesta este motorul nostru in viata, sa tindem sa obtinem ce ne dorim, sa ne indeplinim visele.
Daca as stii de la inceput ca ceea ce imi doresc si sper sa obtin intr-un final nu voi avea niciodata, ce sens mai are sa ma trezesc in fiecare zi si sa ma dau jos din pat daca stiu ca ca mai mult decat am astazi nu voi avea niciodata.
Eu sunt genul de persoana care toata viata a visat si si-a dorit tot timpul mai mult decat a avut, desi am fost intotdeauna recunoscatoare pentru ce am primit.
autumn outfit
Steve Madden
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