I bought this t-shirt and denim jacket during a short trip to London and the funny thing is that the print of the t-shirt is so ethnic, such a Romanian authentic embroidery. Aaa, and another thing, both , blouse and jacket, were 10 pounds, 5 pounds each. How can you not love London!
Don't forget to check out my blog this Saturday!
Anyway, this is what I wore last weekend.
Custom made skirt for sale HERE, trifted sleeveless blouse and trifted denim jacket, custom made boots and hand made bag from a local store!
Fusta este de vanzare AICI!
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Just listen to this song and lay back...
[RO] Desi e devreme, eu ma bucur de o binevenita primavara! Defapt astazi a fost prima zi in care am purtat balerini pe piciorul gol... Poate am exagerat pentru ca si acum mai am picioarele inghetate :))!
Am cumparat tricoul acesta si geaca dintr-un butic din Londra. Cea mai interesanta parte este ca broderia acestei bluze mi se pare atat de romaneasca, de autentica. Stiu ca bunica si strabunica mea faceau astfel de proderii manual... Aaa, si inca un lucru, ambele, bluza si geaca au costat 10 lire, 5 lire fiecare. Cum sa nu iubesti Londra!?
Nu uitati sa treceti pe aici si Sambata!
¡BEAUTIFUL! :) http://outsidefashioncatwalk.blogspot.com.es/
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I'm loving everything about this outfit, especially the colors! xoxo
Foarte draguta bluzita! Arata pperfect combinata cu geaca de blugi!