- Why can't we settle for what we have and we always want more? I am the kind of person who always have a purpose and once I have achieve my goal I go for more, for something else. Sometimes this can get very exhausting and it doesn't leave you any time to enjoy what you have, only wanting what you don't have.
- The other thing is my dark blue knitwear (the one I am wearing in the pics below). Remember it was my favorite together with the red one? Now it's ruined. After washing it in the washing machine it came out with some cherry red stains. I was devastated but I am not ready to let it go. I'll keep you updated!
I was wearing Zara knitwear, H&M pants and flats, random denim jacket and Accessorize purse!
[RO] Astazi vreau sa vorbesc despre doua lucruri:
- De ce nu ne multumim cu ce avem si intotdeauna ne dorim mai mult sau altceva. Eu sunt genul de om foarte ambitios cand vine vorba de a obtine ceea ce imi doresc, dar odata ce lucrul acesta s-a intamplat nu ma mai satisface, nu ma mai bucura, imi doresc mai mult decat atat. Cateodata poate fii un lucru bun si iti permite sa obtii multe lucruri, este un motor pentru a trece prin viata, dar cateodata poate fii foarte obositor deorece nu te mai opresti sa savurezi realizarile si victoriile si muncesti intr-una pentru alte lucruri, de fiecare data.
- Al doilea subiect se referea la puloverul meu preferat (cel din pozele de mai sus). Ultima data cand l-am spalat m-am grabit si l-am bagat in masina de spalat haine iar cand l-am scos avea pete visinii pe el. Atat de tare m-am suparat, dar inca nu m-am dat batuta. Am planuri pentru el. O sa va tin la curent.
P.S. : Miha si Klau, cumva va consider responsabile deoarece n-a existat niciodata o relatie OK intre voi si puloverul acesta. I-ati dorit sa i se intample ceva.... Ce suflet ati avut... Sper ca va bucurati acum, da?
Strict legat de primul subiect aș vrea să reiterez un citat dintr-un film care ți-l recomand cu mare căldură. Îmi cer iertare pentru lungimea lui, dar merită.
ReplyDeleteFantasies have to be unrealistic... because the moment... the second... that you get what you seek... you don't... you can't want it anymore.
In order to continue to exist... desire must have its objects perpetually absent.
It's not the "it" that you want. It's the fantasy of "it."
- So, desire supports crazy fantasies. …
This is what Lacan means when he says that we are only truly happy... when daydreaming about future happiness. ….
- Or why we say... the hunt is sweeter than the kill. Or be careful what you wish for, not because you'll get it... but because you're doomed not to want it once you do.
So the lesson of Lacan is, living by your wants will never make you happy.
What it means to be fully human is to strive to live by ideas and ideals... and not to measure your life by what you've attained in terms of your desires... but those small moments of integrity, compassion...rationality, even self-sacrifice. Because in the end, the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives... is by valuing the lives of others.
Lucia, multumesc pentru randurile de mai sus. Despre ce film e vorba? Cu siguranta as vrea sa-l vad, pare genul de film cu care m-as identifica :)
DeleteFilmul se numește The Life of David Gale și îi are în distribuție pe Kevin Spacey & Kate Winslet. Garantat îți va plăcea.
DeleteAcesta e trailerul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt7Jmjwjk3I.
DeleteMerci! O sa fac rost de el asta seara.
DeleteSmaranada, ador pozele astea.Esti foarte luminoasa si pari in ciudat textului destul de happy, deci inca astept sa "primesti" ceva,nu? Tinuta ta este super faina, iti ador pantalonii. In ceea ce priveste comentul lui Lucia, si eu sunt curioasa de mor de film. Dap stiu cum e sa traiesti intr-un permanent daydreaming. ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat outfit! I love the pants!
Reinvent Yourself