The Street: Through the woods!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Through the woods!

[EN]   One of the days these past weeks I took a walk into the forest. Weather was perfect so we (hubby, daughter and I) decided to go. When we got there we realized the paths were full of mud so we had to make it a short. I am hoping that next time we go for a walk in this forest we take our picnic basket too. Everything is so beautiful, and the forest smells incredibly

    This is a very casual outfit for a day in the forest, well maybe just one hour:) !

I was wearing Zara jeans and shirt, Mango sweater, Il Passo boots!

[RO]     Zilele trecute m-am gandit ca ar fi timpul sa mai dau o raita prin padure, avand in vedere ca de asta iarna nu am mai fost pe acolo. Vremea a fost minunata, deci nu ma impiedica nimic... Doar ca in padure, ce sa vezi, noroi pe toate potecile iar luminisurile balteau... Asa ca am scurtat plimbarea prin padure, si in mai putin de o ora eram inapoi la masina.

     Am purtat o tinuta foarte realaxata plecand de la nelipsitii blugi si bineinteles ca paleta cromatica a fost inspirata de peisajul din padure.


  1. Love the boots and your gloves! I envy you :)

  2. foarte frumoasa tinuta , iar peisajul este de vis!
    te pup

  3. cute! xoxo

  4. merge la fix cu peisajul :) super!

    Te pup,

  5. imi place mult blanita de la gat, e tare de efect ;)


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