The Street: Gone baby, gone...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Gone baby, gone...

[EN] Sometimes you lose "things" that you don't wanna lose and you know you'll never get them back. You can't find them anywhere else, nobody can give them to you again and you can't buy them... What can you do then? You can't live your life as before... of course you can try to pretend that is ok so the others can't see what you lost, but you know. But you know what is worse than losing this things? That someone stoles that from you... I hate when people stoles "things" from me because they can't  handle me having it and envy me for having it.

Let me tell you a thing about me: I never forget anything! Never.

I was wearing Zara jeans and shirt, Pour la Victoire pumps and Furla bag!

This is what I wore for coffee a couple of days ago. It was such a beautiful day... 

[RO] Se intampla cateodata in viata sa pierzi "lucruri" pe care stii ca nu o sa le mai gasesti niciodata. Nu o sa le mai primesti inapoi si nu poti lua altele de niciunde. Si atunci ce poti sa faci? Ai nevoie de ele ca sa poti sa mergi mai departe. Bineinteles ca poti sa ascunzi faptul ca nu-l mai ai... dar cat poti s-o duci asa? Si cel mai important lucru e ca tu stii ca l-ai pierdut. Si nu cred ca te poti minti singura la nesfarsit....
Am fost de foarte putie ori dezamagita de oameni pentru ca nu prea am asteptari... decat de la cei care imi sunt foarte apropiati! Dar si cand am fost dezamagita, din pacate nu am reusit sa trec peste acest lucru si nici sa-mi recapat increderea sau respectul fata de ei.

Nu stiu daca stiti un lucru despre mine: Nu uit niciodata nimic! Niciodata.

Sper sa vina vremea cand o sa ma ajute la ceva lucru acesta in afara de faptul ca nu-mi ratacesc niciodata cheile :)) !


  1. Wonderful photos, they are very bright and I like what you were wearing, your outfit seems just perfect to a short coffee break :)

    1. Actually it was a very, very long coffee break :))

  2. cool weekend wear! xoxo

  3. Lovely photos,sweet you!Love the sunglasses!
    This is good to know..that you never forget.Did I ever upset you?!I'm on the black list,isn't it?!

    1. No, you're not. If you must know, you're on my purple list. I'll tell you some day about this list. Actually this is a list created especially for you, you're the only one on it!

    2. OMG!!This is the sweetest thing you've ever told me,i think! :)Sorry for the fact that people disappoint you,but this is life ,tough like hell and full of beautiful and bad things,it depend on you to make the best of it!

  4. Ce mult imi place culoarea gentii!!

    O zi frumoasa!

  5. Te-a supărat cineva, aşa-i? Timpul vindecă totul, ai să vezi. Eşti foarte cool, dacă e vreo consolare.

  6. Tocmai ce am descoperit blogul tau si imi place la nebunie, pozele sunt grozave iar de stilul tau nici nu mai pomenesc! Genial! Te urmaresc cu drag!

  7. Imi place mult tinuta! :)

    Iar legat de ce ai ai putere si rabdare, si-o sa treaca...

    Cu drag,

  8. Very chic!

    New post:

  9. de ce nu ne impartasesti de unde sunt hainele ? brand ....

    1. Hey! Am specificat deasupra primei poze (asa fac la fiecare postare) cu font roz. Blugii si bluza sunt Zara, pantofii Pour la Victoire si geanta Furla.


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