[EN] I wish I could skip summer. I don't know why but it is so depressing for me. Nothing ever happens and is so damn hot!
I am more a winter or autumn person.
If you woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning and try to go to market for fresh fruits or vegetables is so hot and the fruits aren't fresh at all... You try to get some Sun, but before you know it is 11 o'clock and everything is burning around you... And the summer nights... they are so hot and wet, you can't sleep, you can't breath...
But the bright side is that we are still in May and we have a little bit more time to enjoy this late spring!
About this outfit: this is a summer dress that I used to love, but somehow it doesn't feet my personality any more so I've decided to sell it on my blog.
I was wearing H&M dress, Mango jacket and clutch, and Steve Madden wedges!
Rochita este de vanzare aici!
[RO] Nu stiu de ce dar vara mi se pare asa deprimanta. Niciodata nu se intampla nimc.
Eu prefer mai mult iarna sau toamna.
Daca te trezesti dimineata la 7 si vrei sa mergi la piata pentru fructe si legume proaspete, este atat de cald afara, iar fructele numai proaspete nu sunt! Daca vrei sa mergi la piscina sa te bronzezi putin, pana la ora 11 totul in jurul tau arde si este mult prea cald pentru a mai risca sa stai afara.
Iar serile de vara... Sunt asa fierbinti si umede. Nu poti sa dormi, nu poti sa respiri...
Dar sa ne mai bucuram inca de faptul ca suntem in luna mai si sa profitam cat putem de zilele acestea de primavara tarzie.
Rochita din imagini a fost preferata mea verile trecute, dar cumva nu se mai potriveste gusturilor mele anul acesta, asa ca am decis so o vand pe blog. Detalii gasiti la sectiunea