[EN] I was thinking for several days what to blog about... And one evening, after returning from the office it suddenly hit me is been a while since my last basket of muffins. So i thought it would be great if I would share the "muffins process" whit you as well.
So let's start whit the ingredients: two cups of flour, 3/4 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of oil, 2 eggs, 1 sachet of baking powder, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar, 3/4 cup of sparkling water, 1-2 cups of berries;
First of all you'll need a large bowl where to mix all ingredients.
In primul rand veti avea nevoie de un vas mare unde sa amestecati toate ingredientele.
This is my cup, it's capacity is 200 ml.
Aceasta este masura pe care o folosesc eu, un pahar de aproximativ 200 ml.
Don't forget about the muffins tray.
Nu uitati sa va pregatiti o tava de briose.
Throw in the bowl 2 cups of flour.
Umpleti 2 pahare cu faina si varsati-le in vas.
3/4 cup of sugar.
3/4 din pahar plin cu zahar.
Put in the bowl ,over the flour and sugar, 2 eggs.
Spargeti 2 oua peste faina si zaharul din vas.
Don't forget to put in the bowl 3/4 cup of oil.
Puneti in vas 3/4 din pahar plin cu ulei.
1 sachet of baking powder, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar.
1 pliculet de zahar vanilat si 1 pliculet de praf de copt vin peste toate ingredientele.
You'll need 3/4 cup of water on top of everything.
Veti avea nevoie de 3/4 din pahar plin cu apa peste toate ingredientele.
Start mixing all the ingredients.
Incepeti si omogenizati amestecul.
Pregatiti tava cu formele de hartie.
After you have a homogeneous mixture add the berries.
Dupa ce amestecul este omogenizat adaugati fructele de padure.
Mix easily.
Amestecati usor pentru a integra frunctele in compozitie.
After you put in the tray, sprinkle sugar over the dough.
Dupa ce ati pus aluatul in tava, presarati zahar deaasupra.
Put the tray in the oven at 200 degrees for 17 minutes.
Puneti tava in cuptor la 200 de grade timp de 17 minute.
Don't forget to check them after a while .
Nu uitati sa mai aruncati cate un ochi, cateodata in functie de cuptor sepot face mai repede sau mai greu.
This was the face that was looking at me for 17 minutes, saying "muffins, muffins".
Fata aceasta s-a holbat la mine 17 minute repetand intr-una "muffins, muffins".
Almost ready to serve.
Aproape gata pentru servit.
Gata, pofta buna!
[RO] De cateva zile ma gandesc despre ce sa va mai povestesc pe blog... Si intr-o seara, dupa ce m-am intors de la birou, mi-am dat seama ca a trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai facut briose. Asa ca m-am gandit ca ar fi o idee buna sa impartasesc cu voi "The Muffins Process".
Așa că haideți să începem cu lista de ingrediente: două căni de făină, 3/4 cană de zahăr, 3/4 ceasca de ulei, 2 oua, 1 plic de praf de copt, 1 plic de zahar vanilat, 3/4 cana de apa minerala, 1 -2 cani de fructe de padure;
Pasii pe care trebuie sa-i urmati ca sa ajungeti la deliciosul rezultat i-am prezentat mai sus!
Spor la copt si pofta buna!