[EN] A few days ago while I was waiting for my friends on a bench in a par an old lady came and sat on the bench in front of me. Before I carry on whit my story let me tell you that I am not a very sociable girl and I don't like to talk to strangers or people I am not very closed to (I can count on my fingers the people the I feel comfortable around ). Anyway let's go back to the old lady in the park...
So she sat on the bench in front of me and start talking to me. She told me that she just got back from the church and how that's the only "fun" she's having. She is very old and can't walk properly, and that her daughter treats her very bad and don't let her out of the apartment or chatting whit neighbors or anyone in the matter in fact.
She seemed to me very sad and she told me that she is all alone and can't take the loneliness anymore and she just want to talk to anybody, and not to think that she's crazy or anything... And we talked!
So please don't neglect your elders now that you are on your on, young and powerful. The way you needed them when you were children is the way they need you now. They just want somebody to talk to and to feel useful. Just give your mum, father and grandmother, aunt or uncle, godmother or anybody you grew up with, a call and ask how they are doing if you cant stop by their house whit a cake.
I was wearing H&M knitwear, Zara Jeans, Bershka ankle boots, denim lather, hand made bag and trifted hat!
The winner of a super cute hand made apron is Adriana Roxana! Congratulations!
Castigatoarea sortului este Adriana Roxana! Felicitari!
Pentru mai multe detalii legate de tragerea la sorti vizitati The Muffin Fairy!
[RO] Acum cateva zile in timp ce-mi asteptam prietenele pe o banca in parc, s-a apropiat de mine si s-a asezat vis-a-vis o doamna foarte in varsta care a inceput sa vorbeasca cu mine. Inainte sa continui povestirea vreau sa va spun ca eu nu sunt foarte sociabila si nu ma simt confortabil in compania persoanelor care nu-mi sunt foarte apropiate, nu intru in discutii cu strainii si nu socializez prea mult in afara cercului meu foarte restrans. Haideti sa ne intoarcem la intamplarea din parc...
Asadar batrana s-a asezat in fata mea si a inceput sa-mi spuna ca doar ce s-a intors de la biserica, si cum slujba de duminica este singura ei "distractie". Nu prea iese din casa deoarece merge foarte greu si pe deasupra fiica se poarta destul de urat cu ea si nu-i da voie sa iasa din apartament sau sa socializeze cu vecinii sau cu oamenii din parc.
Mi s-a parut foarte trista. Mi-a zis ca se simte foarte singura si nu mai suporta singuratatea. Nu-si doreste decat sa schimbe cateva vorbe cu oricine si sa nu cred ca e nebuna sau are vreo problema, doar ca nu mai suporta sa stea singura inchisa in casa toata ziua... Si am povestit, am ascultat-o povestindu-mi, defapt.
Va rog nu va neglijati batranii. Acestia au nevoie acum de voi tot atata cat ati avut voi de ei cand erati copii. Nu vor sa se simta abandonati, vor sa fie utili si nu sa se simta o povara. Dati-le un telefon parintilor, bunicilor, matusilor, unchilor, nasilor sau oricarei persoane v-a fost alaturi in viata si intrebati-i cei mai fac, asta in cazul in care nu puteti sa le faceti o vizita cu o prajitura buna.